Thursday, December 25, 2008

In Retrospect: 2008

The summer: 
In June I flew to Maine to participate in a two-week ceramics workshop (Haystack). It was gorgeous. Campers slept in wood cabins located on the rocky coast nested between the evergreens. Everyday I hiked through the mossy forest and waded in the water, and collecting treasures along the way. I tried lobster for the first time- I expected it to be better and the green goop grossed me out. I made a lot of friends (ranging in age from 23 to 75) and it was an experience I'll never forget. 

I was also fortunate enough to partake in an internship at the Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts in Omaha. I lived with Nicole, Kurt and Daisy- which was cool because it allowed me to get closer to all of them! While working at the Bemis Center I helped prepare galleries for exhibits, assisted with financial duties and helped the curator with research and event planning. My experience helped guide my career goals- someday I hope to run an art museum or non-profit art center. 

My Junior Year: 
This fall I began writing for the Daily Iowan, the student newspaper for the University of Iowa. I wrote several features for the Arts & Culture section. However, after the reporting internship ended I decided not to continue. 
I still work for Cambus. I drive 40 ft. buses around campus and the hospitals. Although usually pretty fearless, there are times when it gets stressful (fishtailing or scary passengers). 

In August I moved into my first apartment with two of my best friends, Darrah and Claire. So far, it's been awesome. We've carved pumpkins, had dance parties and had our own Thanksgiving and Christmas celebrations. 

I also turned 21 in December. It feels good to be legal. 

Mikey and me

Kelsey and Lena- before going out

The girls with pre-carved pumpkins

Everyone carving pumpkins in our apartment! 

Nicole, Tree and me on Halloween

Driving the Cambus (6 am shift!)

Daisy cuddling with me this summer

Eating lobster on the rocks in Maine

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